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Programs for Young Adults

ANNOUNCEMENT! We'd be closing on Friday 24th Feb. 2022 due to the snowstorm.

Free Driver Education Program

The leading cause of death for 15–19-year-olds in Ontario is motor vehicle crashes. Your library can help you become a safer driver., a driver’s licence written test preparation website, is offering its ON-specific driver education program at no cost to library patrons! Unlimited use, no patron registration required.

Learn more and sign up for the free program.

Currently Suspended

NG Art Challenge & Art Social

Date: Saturdays, 10am – 11:30am | Currently Suspended

Community & Creativity is excited to let you know about the Saturday Art Social. Whether you’re a seasoned artist or just beginning your creative journey, this is the perfect opportunity to connect, share ideas and explore new techniques.

Try your hand at
Mandala Making
Lantern Making

Bring your creativity, we’ll provide the space and materials. Join us for relaxed and inspiring mornings. All skill levels are welcome!

The North Grenville Art Challenge is a community-driven, collective, art project. A way to connect with local artists and creatives, to learn together, and to empower one another. There is no right or wrong interpretation of your creative process, interpretation is key!

Young Adult Book Club

Date: 3rd Monday of each month, 4 – 5pm | Currently Suspended

This book club isn’t only about books.  It’s about you!  Exercise your freedom and explore the many worlds books have to offer .  Delve into controversial subjects and have an open conversation with your peers about topics that are hot and relevant.   Book Chat is intended for teens aged 13 plus. Snack included!

Young Adult Art Club

Date: 3rd Monday of each month after Teen Book Club, 5-6pm | Currently Suspended

Do you like to dibble-dabble in art? Join Teen Art Club and experiment with many different mediums such as pencil, charcoal, watercolour, inks, crayons, pastels, acrylic paint, etc.! Every month we focus on a subject, do a show and tell then work on a small project together. Come share your passion for creating with your peers!